In late 2024, after serious deliberation, I decided I needed to leave my job at Food Connects, the social enterprise I founded 15 years ago. It was a painful decision, one that has opened up a lot of emotions, a “juicy time,” as a dear friend and colleague reflected. Who knew that leaving a job could be so emotional? I want to share in the laughter and tears and anxiety. I want to be supportive of others, especially connecting with the grief of loss.
I will also share lessons from 15 years of building a social enterprise to $5 million in annual revenue over 15 years. Key themes I will explore: social entrepreneurship, shared leadership, collaboration and strategic partnership, networks, working across the generations as a GenXer, you can’t be everything to everyone, and more!

Not goodbye, but see you later - a message from Executive Director Richard
I am making a bold move, processing it by writing, and sharing it in case its helpful for people who know and care about me, and to make new friends along this crazy journey of life.